My daughter has lipodermoid


So my daughter is 4 months old today she had an appointment with a ophthalmologist because she has this weird bump in the corner of her left eye. It can be seen when she moves her eyes to the side looking to her right. The doctor told me that it’s gonna continue to grow as she grows and the only concern would be kids making fun of her which breaks my heart because I know how mean kids can be. Which she’s my daughter I’ll love her no matter what. So surgery is only done on extreme cases or when she’s older she can decide if she wants to do it. But, it will eventually grow back because there is so much of it. The way the doctor said it’s like a tissue box filled with tissues it would take a while to get rid of because there so much of it. And there are risks involved with surgery that’s why it’s rarely performed. Anyone have this condition or know of anyone did you have self esteem issues? I’m gonna teach my daughter to love herself no matter what, but I would like to know if you have it or know someone. Tell me your story :)

This is my daughter: