Progression and induction


So at my 34 week apt I got admitted to be monitored for preeclampsia blood pressure was high in the office. Well did the whole 24 urine and blood pressure checks everything came back fine with my blood pressure stayed stable but I did have protein in my urine. 35 week apt the next week and I’m 2 cm and 70 percent effaced then 36 week apt this week and I’m 3 cm dr said if I’m 4 cm on the next apt Monday June 4 she will put me in otherwise June 11th is the set day for Baby to make her arrival. Because of those problems. Question is since I’ve been progressing should i be ready to be induced Monday??!!! Kinda want to but kinda wanna have everything planned with a place for my son to go while I’m in the hospital. I don’t even feel like I’m dilated like should i feel it?! I do get contractions but nothing regular.