Confident and happy in my skin for once ✨


I’ve always struggled with insecurities since I was a kid. Not having the fit, skinny, tan body most girls had made me envy them. I won’t lie, I wasn’t chubby or anything, but I was average. Just average. We all have insecurities with something and mine was my body. I wanted to tone and build muscle and be able to feel confident.

After years and years of hating my body and talking badly about other women simply out of envy/jealousy, I can happily say I am confident with myself. I’ve been pushing myself in the gym and eating healthy and I’ve been freelance modeling for a year now (which has always been my dream). Not only has the gym helped, I’ve learned how to change my mindset and not bash others out of jealousy.

Because of all of this, I stepped out of my comfort zone with modeling and tried something I usually wouldn’t do because of my insecurities.

Some people may not like it and I’m okay with that, as long as I’m happy that’s all that matters.

Keep doing what you love ladies! 💕 Empower and support one another!