Expecting baby, want to switch rooms

Okay so to start, our house has very tiny bedrooms! My so’s son ended up with the biggest bedroom because his stuff was put in there when we moved (wasn’t supposed to be that way but we just haven’t had time to think about it lol) anyways, so our bedroom holds our bed and one tiny dresser that’s all... the other room holds my clothes and my stuff because we can’t fit it in our room seriously so tight in there. Now we discussed re decorating the one bedroom and making it totally cool with new accessories and stuff for his son so we could put the baby in the other room and I’ll be able to keep my dresser in the closet (closets a bit bigger) now my question is, is this bad or wrong? I don’t want him to get upset because that’s not my intentions at all I just don’t know what to do or how to make it work any other way!