17, pregnant and he left me out of nowhere

I’m currently 17 and pregnant. The guy I was with is almost 20. The week before I found out I was pregnant he broke up with me out of nowhere Bc he wanted to be a hoe during spring break. Fast forward to a week later I was five days late so I tested. It was a blazing positive so I sent him the picture of the test. His first response is that it isn’t his Bc he had just broke up with me and I was probably already fw other people. Which I wasn’t. Then he came around and even asked me out at my eight weeks pregnant mark. I was so happy! I thought I was going to have a little family.. I’m now 14 weeks pregnant and two days ago OUT OF NOWHERE he ghosted me. Didn’t text me but was reading all of my messages and he was active on all his social media. I was confused. I was hurt. I felt like a piece of shit. He had just came to the ultrasound appointment and seen our baby. It was moving all around and even sucking it’s little thumb. He eventually text me back and said he couldn’t deal with our relationship anymore. He blamed it all on me and said it’s Bc I was being “toxic” during those two days when he was ghosting me. Yes I did text him like wtf? What is your problem? Why are you doing this? BC IT came out out NOWHERE.. wouldn’t that be any girls reaction if their boyfriend just went ghost on him for two days while he was reading your messages and posting on social media? Wouldn’t you’re reacting be like what the fuck is going on? I was confused. But yet when he finally text back he said he can’t deal with my mouth anymore. He said he doesn’t want anything to do with me or the baby. I honestly just feel like dying. I’m so hurt and feel worthless. I did nothing to deserve this.