TMI: Very Early Period or Miscarriage?


Guys, I’m freaking out and so confused right now, so I need help and advice. Okay, my last period wasn’t that long ago and I was set to ovulate right around this time but I feel like something is horribly wrong.

For a few days now it’s felt like I’ve had period pains on fucking steroids. Along with that, I’ve violently puked at least 5-6 times a day, no appetite hardly, been extremely moody, extreme back pain, migraines, and overall, just plain uncomfortable. My boyfriend has noticed this too, and he’s literally doing everything he can to take care of me because I literally look like the walking dead. I’m so fucking fatigued and all I can do is cry.

But back to today... I was just in the bathroom for over an hour crying my eyes out on the toilet because of the pain. Then I smelled blood and it’s like... clots and all. My period isn’t supposed to happen for another 1 1/2 - 2 weeks and it’s never came that early so I’m freaking out.

There could be a possibility of being pregnant, which is what scares me most. I’d love to have children but to lose one when I didn’t even know I was pregnant would destroy me. That, and I don’t want to scare or worry him by making false assumptions.

Bottom line: I’m freaking out and I have no idea what to do now. I’m just laying in a fetal position. 😣