Annoying brother/ annoying life

So my older brother who is 21 is getting kicked out of my dads house for not going to school , working or doing anything at all all he does is hang out & smoke he also gets fired from every job he gets or quits therefore he is moving in with us which I am not too happy about . He likes to get me in trouble & tell my mom lies about me I am 17 and have no freedom as it is . I’ll be 18 next month but I’m legit treated like a prisoner I can probably go out with my bf once a week without my mom calling me names like I’m a hoe & all I want is sex or I’m obsessed with boys . He told her I lost my virginity at 14 which caused my mom to not trust me and always be on my back / call me names which isn’t true I actually recently lost my virginity to my bf. & I won’t even be able to stick up for myself anymore because he likes to be all up in my business and ruin everything for me . He is what you call a cockblocker (google it or ask someone) he basically likes to ruin my life on purpose & worry abt everything that I am doing . He lies ALOT like no one in the family ever believes a word he says except my mom. She babies him and treats him like royalty and talks to me like I’m a hood rat on the street when I just graduated hs on Friday she didn’t even seem happy for me she actually ruined that night for me as well as my stepfather . They cursed me out and yelled at me for wanting to go out to eat with my friends that night . Talking about its a family night and I’m unappreciative , all we did was go home and SLEEP My brother got his GED so I’m her first child to walk the stage & that night was so fucked up I wasn’t even proud . I’m going to college in August , I drive , I will be getting a job soon this summer (my aunts cousin is the manager at a couple stores and she will be helping me) my parents don’t seem to really give a fuck . I also sneak out sometimes not even gonna lie that’s the only way I can live . I be living my BEST life when I sneak out. the door is right by my room door & I always say a lil prayer before I leave 😭God be blessing 🤞🏽. But anyway that’s the only way I’m actually able to see the outside and explore places I never been to or seen. I haven’t done it in a while though cause I be too tired . Anyway with him coming he’ll be sleeping in the living room so I can’t really do that we have no space I already share a room . My mom has 4 kids including him plus herself &’ her husband so 6 ppl in a 2 bedroom apartment . So now we have to move we are financially stable my parents just never believed in personal fucking space . I’m the only girl I don’t wanna share a room with boys all my life 🙄 . I’m also the 2nd oldest but I feel more pressure on my back because my parents have this “perfect image” they want me to have on myself . My bf gets upset cause he’s like you’re going to college this is annoying as f you have no freedom you can’t do shit. He started working out this summer and said we should make a goal to go to the gym 3-4 times a week cause he’s tryna get swole lol & I’m like u know my mother will say no she will think I’m lying and say all I’m doing is having sex . Which she’s 99% wrong about I’m actually having sex when she thinks I’m not but we protect ourselves so.. anyway my brother would convince her to not let me go anywhere and he’d say how I’ll get preg& ruin my life. My parents already don’t like my bf because he’s darker than us . We’re all fucking black so I don’t get it . We’re “Brown” and he’s a chocolate tone🙄🙄they don’t know anything abt him but how he looks & he also works , get money he’s 19 we’re both starting college in August and because he has money to take me nice places and have nice cars or rentals my brother would assume he scams people because that’s what he use to do and he doesn’t believe in working hard so he thinks everyone is like him . Also one time my mom gave me permission to go out .. I STILL got in trouble lol even tho I came home on time and when she saw his car he had the top down & she said that’s a Benz😳 & I was just like yeah girl bye and ran out the house before she said anything else or asked questions . I don’t go outside I’m literally in my room 24/7 .

So I found a way to just say fuck it and sneak out I live in a safe state / area but its like when I find a little way out something else pops up to block me like damn can I live or what! How would you feel in this situation?