“You’re just hormonal”


We have had a lot of personal stress lately and my family has tried to be “helpful” (despite causing most of the drama)— Baby is due tomorrow but doesn’t seem in a rush, husband is military and we just found out he is deploying soon, and because we live so far away my family has decided to randomly (and without warning) come visit when the baby is born. Bought tickets without alerting us of the days, etc. Now I’m having to rush around 40 weeks pregnant to do the paperwork to allow them to visit us on the military base, and even then it may not process in time because they waited until the last second. When I expressed how hard it was and how it was a bit inconvenient and was causing stress, my grandma (who I guess is coming too?) told me that I’m just a little hormonal because of the pregnancy and it wasn’t really as big of a deal as I’m making it because “all moms have errands to run and things to do”. Then my parents keep telling me I need to stop worrying because “it will all work out”. I don’t think that they understand that telling me it’s going to work out doesn’t magically make everything work out and I’m frustrated because I feel like they think my feelings are less valid just because im pregnant. Super frustrating. Super ready to have this baby and get this visit over with.