Should I just ask him?


So the last few days me and my bf haven’t talked as much due to our opposite schedules. We usually by now would of had a deep talk just to fix this empty feeling. But last weekend I spent all day Sunday with him and when we were cuddling I fell asleep and woke up and rolled over he was playing on his phone he was on Snapchat and had some snaps he wouldn’t open. I noticed a chicks name. So on top of that and the not able to talk as much I’m constantly thinking he’s going to text me and end this.

Honestly this is the happiest I’ve ever been until a week ago. Lately I just keep getting this gut feeling there’s someone else. I keep telling my self it just because I’m used to being cheated on by now or left for someone else or something bad has happened but no its been a super happy relationship. Over 5 months and my family loves him I love him hell we haven’t even had a fight we are always so synced together about anything and everything. Even on thing we don’t agree on we always get along and understand each-other.

😭😭😭 I just needed to get it all out before I start crying. Should I text him and say I feel like something is off? Keep my mouth shut? I need help I don’t want to ruin this but I also don’t want to get hurt again

I’m just so depressed right now and it a problem I’m in the middle of trying to start my career!! 😭😭😭