Should I stay or leave?

So I’ve been with my fiancé for 3 years. I think engaged for two years. We had a two year old together and here’s a back story.

So during the first 2 years he was cheating on me the entire time. Not physically as he told me. Then I ended up cheating on him physically cause I relapsed. (I used to have fwb before me and him and I cheated on other relationships. I stopped all that for him) I immediately felt bad and eventually told him. And he cheated on me again a little after that. So I ended up smashing the phone he used to cheat on me with. Well we moved out of his parents house and have been living in an apartment for like 8 months now. And for awhile now I just don’t feel right with him. We don’t seem like a relationship in my opinion. We don’t see eye to eye on a lot of stuff and we talked about it many times before. We don’t sleep in the same bed anymore. We have sex like maybe 3 times a month and it’s not that pleasing to me anymore. It just feels like a chore. I’m constantly cleaning the house everyday he doesn’t help. Ugh.

I’m constantly questioning myself daily on what I should do and I’m leaning more towards leaving him but I want others opinions...