Should I pick him up? Or no

I’m not sure if this is the right place to post...okay, so me and my so broke up two weeks again. He has been in Korea for the past one now and is headed back but he wants me to pick him up🤦🏽‍♀️. We have a one year old together. I love him so much but when he was in Korea he cheated on me, disrespected me, ignored me, and more and probably helped with our child needs like 3 months out off the whole year he was gone. And now since he’s coming back he knows me now and want to talk, wants me to pick him up and stay with me while he’s on leave for 30days and wants take a trip together...tfreak? I’m so confused right now like I’m not trying to get my hopes up but I still care for him and love him dearly. And said he was so depressed and stuff is why he pushed me away. Should I pick him up or tell him to find someone else? Thanks in advance

Update: Thank you ladies I have been so blinded for all these years smh. Thinking it was something i deserved. It’s only the half of it. Before he left for a year to go to Korea he used to get mad at me for just asking a question and then he would abused my body (I have pictures of this) he told me he would end my life if I was to talk with another guy or have someone around our child. and a week after I gave birth to our daughter he pushed me down the steps because I wouldn’t have sex with him (I was still bleeding from giving birth) I’m not going back to him at all. So I told him no and he goes on to tell me that he needs 51% custody of our daughter so he can get him a place to live for him and more money from the military. He acts like he never did anything to me like I was so blinded of how crazy this guy actually is. I’m sorry for the jumping around details but I have no one to talk to get this stuff out. it has been in me for so many years and I’m just now talking about it. Because he didn’t want me to talk with friends or family.