I really need advicešŸ˜£

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years now and lately we have been having a lot of fights and issues. We have had discussions on how to better our relationship and make it work but it seems like even though I tell him the things that pisses me off and I donā€™t like he keeps doing them and what he told me that he doesnā€™t like is that Iā€™m always angry at him and Iā€™m not as happy/fun as I used to be. The things that I donā€™t like include always saying dumb things like ā€œOh it looks like youā€™re too busy talking to the other guy so Iā€™ll just stop bothering youā€ or things similar to me talking to other guys when I donā€™t. I only talk to my mom and him and he knows this. Also another problem I have is that he always grabs and touches me in inappropriate places while we are out in public. I always tell him to stop and that I donā€™t like when he does that but it seems that after I tell him this he keeps doing it more on purpose. Also, every single time we see each other we have relationships and honestly, even though I like doing that, it is getting tiring because itā€™s becoming a routine and thatā€™s the only thing we do when we see each other. If I invite him to the park or to the store he never wants to go and always says ā€œwhy donā€™t you come to my house insteadā€. Today we were having a discussion and I was telling him all of this and all he kept saying was that if you donā€™t like me the way I am then Just tell me and weā€™ll leave it at that. He would also tell me that why donā€™t I just find someone gay who wonā€™t touch me or have relationships with me and that he was gonna look for someone who lets him touch her body and wonā€™t care where and has relationships with him everyday. Iā€™m pissed off at him for all of what he is saying and now itā€™s like I donā€™t even know him. He used to be very sweet and respectful to me, now... I donā€™t know what has gotten into him or if heā€™s really this way and has just been hiding it from me. I really do love him and I know he does too but I have tried all I could think of to better our relationship but now it just seems like heā€™s given up or doesnā€™t care anymore. I donā€™t know what to do anymore..šŸ˜žšŸ˜Ŗ Can any one give me advice on how to deal with him and better our relationship? Or any opinions on him and his behavior?