Only idiots have this app

Let’s face it. The internet is the internet and no matter where you go on the internet Trolls, Snarks, Bitches, Assholes whatever you call them are exist. However I learned that many people complain about this app (which clearly isn’t perfect). I myself did as well. But then when I discovered Baby Center I thought it was better. BOY WAS I WRONG. I’ve never been on a site with so many insecure mentally disturbed women who clearly don’t get enough attention at home. Trolls EVERYWHERE. Have a question about your pregnancy? Forget it. Prepare to get slaughtered by trashy middle schoolers that have gone through some shit in their lives so hey feel the need to belittle others. I literally saw this woman who had 2 losses and she being that up in posts ten uses that to put others down. She shouldn’t use her losses as a reason to be a witch. On Baby Center nasty bitches like this are called Snarks and they are all over the damn site. Forget reporting. Snarks actually get away with putting down others because they do it in sneaky ways. Anyways my point is I feel like Glow is more supportive. Not perfect at all but definitely filled with people who are actually humane and aren’t psychotic. STAY AWAY FROM BABY CENTER.