
I was w my boyfriend on the way to his soccer game and I started sucking his dick ( ik it’s dangerous I don’t wanna hear anything ab it 😂) and he told me “get down” as he was featuring me to get up so I was confused and got up and then he started calling me a dumbass and an idiot bc I didn’t hear him correctly so we didn’t talk the rest of the way there bc when he calls me stuff like that and yells at me it ovbi makes me mad 🙄 and we get here to his game and he’s like “ why are you mad???? Bc I yelled at you” and he was just like saying I shouldn’t have gotten up and stuff but he was saying it in a playful way how we usually talk & it just pissed me off 🙄🙄🙄 this is irrelevant i just needed to rant