i regret getting a house with roommates

my roommates have 2 bad ass kids. both roommates love to drink 4 days a week and have people over. on top of that my mom comes every single day from 8am to 12 or 1:30am with 2 other kids one being 3months and the other one is 3 who loves to hit everyone and throw toys down my stairs. I'm 8 months pregnant and have a 6yr old. there's 8 kids here right now (their friends kids)running threw out my house soaking wet from the pool and fighting eachother. im trying to keep my son in our room to watch a movie so i don't have to deal with all that but every min theres kids walking in my room saying they dont like somthing or getting into everything. im hot its triple digits where i live. just want today to be OVER! forgot to mention i took my son swimming earlier and the older kid was hurting my son bending his arm and hand back . i kept saying cut it out all while his mom just stands there while her big ass pre teen is picking on my boy. and oh yeah for those saying move out.. this is MY house. people askd me to roommate and i said yes which is why im dealing with it. i dont want to go back on my word and tell them they have to move. UPDATE : I spoke to my roommates lastnight around 2am because the radio was on full blast and doors slamming. i told her i don't mind if they have friends over but I'm getting tired of cleaning up all the mess the next day and not being able to sleep 4 days out the week because of the noise. to make a long story short the girl tried to fight me and tell me i had a problem with her kids (🤔 umm no i have a problem with her kids hitting mine and me being the only one to say somthing) we got into an argument i went to my area of the house and woke up to oil cereal water soggy food and juice all over my kitchen and house. i cleaned house and left. I'm also giving an eviction notice today i feel bad because they really need the help but i cannot live this way anymore.