Bad Day...


So I totally ended up getting into a fight with the downstairs neighbor chick... I cleaned the whole backyard and front yard (shared space) so I could mow and have a nice yard for all of the kids to play in... no big deal really just 9 black bags of trash full and a small mountain of big trash strewn about... I just cleaned another black bag of trash from the parking area in the alley so I could mow it to be in compliance with the city... and I mowed most of the yard front and back and messaged her informing her that I will mow the rest when they pick up their trash and other stuff laying everywhere because I'm not gonna be picking up after 2 house holds... and I asked when the gas was going to get turned back on because we have no hot water... and I asked what they were going to do with the pool they got that's sitting there full of nasty water that looks a health hazard (one of the medium sized inflatable ones that's supposed to be drained every so often because there's no filter etc, it has a drain plug) well apparently raising my concerns was the wrong thing to do... she went off on how the gas bill is $500 and if we want hot water turned back on that we need to pay half and that she works full time and has 4 kids and so she doesn't have time to take care of the pool or pick up after her family outside because she cleans the inside of the house and whatever... and she threw in my face that I'm a SAHM calling me lazy saying my house is always trashed and blah blah blah with food everywhere and how she at least helps her husband with the bills and whatever... like am I wrong to be pissed? we 100% always offer to help with the gas bill and didn't even know they were behind until it was turned off and the bill outrageous, sorry but I'm not paying their winter heating bill just to have hot water, should've came to us in November when the bills started getting higher... (the landlord is getting us our own this week, he didn't realize they never got it back on and etc... like we should've had our own to start with but that's done and over with) and being attacked for being a SAHM is just ridiculous... so what I have a toddler that throws food around and is a holy terror a lot of the time so cleaning the house is not a top priority... my husband and I have very few issues at all and we communicate and we're good... he's not bent out of shape about the house... I mean I get more bent about the fact that I do clean up after everyone in the house but that's life, we're doing better on that front... and more over he doesn't care that I don't work right now, we couldn't afford a babysitter not that Anakin would stand one, he's truly a nightmare sometimes lol... so if no one in the house is worried about it why the heck is someone else worried about it? because we don't have the money to pay half their winter heating bill right off? sorry if we don't have the $250 and if we did they probably wouldn't have their half... yeah we're tight on money but I budget and make it work and we do ok... just the whole thing boils my blood (don't help that I'm pregnant so emotions are all over the place!)