Asking to be induced..

Sarah • 💙Leo-4.13.16 🌈Landon-6.23.18

will your dr just say "I want to induce you" or do you have to ask?

I see my OB in a few hours and I want to ask for an induction or for my membranes sweeped at least.

with my first pregnancy I effaced fine and had contractions but my cervix wouldn't dilate so they had to sweep my membranes, give me a bunch of pitocin, and break my waters at 38 weeks. i was in crazy pain and couldn't take it.

38w 6d now and I'm in the same boat. my OB has been out of town so every time ive been to L&D; ive seen an on call doctor. I NEED something to be done. I cant sleep cant eat cant hold anything down. I have a 2 y/o ive barely been able to spend time with him or do anything for or with him. I know some are going to judge and are going to say let it happen naturally etc etc but I'm in so much pain and it's mine and my doctors choice when it comes down to it. I just dont know how to ask her for an induction or anything