MFI - low morphology... next steps

Giulianna • A small girl in a big world!

My husband’s second sperm analysis came back at 0.5% morphology so we were given the diagnosis of Male Factor Infertility. His count and motility were great! He does have a varicose vein and both our RE and Urologist said that surgery “wouldn’t hurt” our chances but the likelihood the surgery would fix the isolated morphology is low. We’re still moving forward with the surgery. He has had flare ups for awhile so it will help with this issue. He is also taking a multivitamin, CoQ10, and Maca. With that we won’t see any improvement for 3-6 (even up to 9) months. My RE is still very hopeful that

<a href="">IUI</a>

will be a good start as my husband has a good count of 500 million with his two SA so it seems pretty consistent. MY QUESTION is..... I hear that

<a href="">IUI</a>

is a waste of money with low morphology. My DH’s urologist initially said going straight to

<a href="">IVF</a>

with ICSI if the surgery doesn’t fix the morphology..... what is everyone’s thoughts?