Bad mom?

I've been ebf my daughter for 6 months and she great at it and she's thriving. I also love the bond that I've made with her but she gotten to where she doesnt want to sleep unless she's attached to my boob. I sleep in pretty much a sitting up position every night so that I can let her sleep on me and I loathe pumping with my entire soul. I've been considering switching to formula so that my mom can watch her over night also my SO and I really need some time together alone to help rebuild our relationship to where it needs to be. Would I be a bad mom to switch her to formula for selfish reasons like that? I know that there's nothing wrong with formula, my first born was a formula baby and he's perfectly healthy but he had formula because I wasnt producing enough. I just feel guilty I guess, what are your opinions on this? (please be honest, I wont take it personally)