I’m done. That’s it.


*****Last edit*******

I tried one last time to reach out to him and it jumped straight to him arguing with me because he made a post about me on Facebook saying I blocked him because he asked to have his kid for his bday. Which is false. I blocked him because he started getting disrespectful. Anyways I told him I was just trying to have a conversation on how we could do this coparenting thing and he left me on read. So I sent one more message and he left me on read again. That was a few hours ago. So there’s my answer. He’s already said he didn’t want anything to do with us because he’s “got another kid on the way anyways” so I’m letting him be now. He can be with his other family while I provide for mine.


This was my last time trying to at least coparent with my bd. Last night he’d asked if he could do something for Ma’kai’s first birthday and I told him maybe. So today I decided to at least hear him out. I even tried joking with him at one point.

Late last night I just got in my feelings thinking about everything that had gone down the past few months and stasia popped in my head. Stasia is his ex that he cheated on me with at the beginning of this year. He didn’t use protection either and around that time he cheated, I ended up getting a really bad yeast infection and I figured it was from that. I was pregnant at the time Too so shit hurt my feelings a lot more than it would’ve normally And it still messes with me.

I really don’t see how tf I’m overreacting or overthinking. I’ve been trying to not argue with him and be a little bit more mature about things. Also, he lives out of state. I wouldn’t just be dropping off my one year old in another state when I already don’t trust him or his family. Especially not with their driving. His granny scrolls through Facebook while going 70 on the highway. Every time I try to be civil with him, he bashes me. So he’s just staying blocked from here on out I’m not putting up with his bs anymore. He’s toxic, abusive, and narcissistic. Not goin.

***update since there was a little confusion****

Him cheating and being abusive is not what’s making me cut ties and keep my son from him. It’s the fact that he’s manipulative, abusive to not just me, childish, and narcissistic. What he’s done to me in the past still gets to me. We only broke up a few weeks ago. But I wasn’t letting that get in the way of his relationship with his son. I’ve tried and tried to work things out with him (coparenting), and I always end up back at square one. My baby is too young to understand what he says to him, but it’s still the fact that he can say these things to him to begin with that is not okay. He’s told my son that he’s gonna “beat his ass when he’s older” he constantly asks me why our son is so funny looking, throws temper tantrums that his son doesn’t look “exactly like him” even though he’s the spitting image of him. He gets mad any time my son starts crying even a little bit and tells him to shut up. He says that his son isn’t even his and tells me to “go fuck his real dad”. It’s not completely how he treats me that is making me cut ties. It’s his behavior all around towards everybody. How he treats his son. The example he’d be setting. How he treats me. He calls me names in front of our son. I tried to put all our bs aside but he won’t step up. He SAYS he wants to do this and that for him, but never does. I’ve told him he can come visit whenever he wants. He complains and says he won’t. He’s toxic. I will not allow anyone that’s toxic around my son, regardless of who he is to him.

Update 2******

This is my handsome son💙 will be 8 weeks tomorrow