Help - I need to lose all the disgusting weight I have. I don’t know where to start!

Ok, so basically I feel like a little bit of a back story is needed. I used to be a bit of a chubby kid and when I got half way through high school, people were horrible and so were family and I never used to take notice of any remarks about me weight...then my best friends also started to make comments about it and tell me I’d need make up etc. around 14-15 I started obsessing over food and I stopped eating food. I’d live off scrapping but walk over 20miles a week. I went very skinny, to the point people at my Saturday job had started to question why they would never see me eat, so started to slowly eat more food.

I got my eating up but was still cautious. I then met my now boyfriend in college around 16-17 years old and throughout our relationship I began to eat more and more. I got a full time job and slowly started eating crap. up until today I have gained nearly 5stone in 3 years.

I have been in denial about my weight so not done anything about it, I just know I can’t live like this anymore.

I’m 20 years old, I weigh 14:12 I’m only 5ft6. I repulse myself, I am disgusting.

I can Jon a gym because my job is so demanding I work various shifts and the distance work is from my home means I don’t even have free time to see family let alone go to a gym.

I’ve tried diets and slimming world but it’s just not working for me. Any tips?

Before and After pics