
My fiancé and I are currently TTC for the first month ever.

I logged my periods on this app every month and I purchased some OPK strips that I have been using for the last 4/5 days. I see where there is a spot on the app to take a photo of the strip results so I have been doing that. Everything was fine until I started adding the photos of my strips, because then it started to move around my ovulation date.

So yesterday it’s all like “hey you are ovulating in two days, start having sex now” and I was so excited!

But then last night when I put my strip photo in it changed to “hey you ovulated two days ago”...👀 um.....excuse me? 😳

I don’t get it! I am going to take another test today & put the results in to see if it changes it AGAIN. 🙄

Anyone else have this issue?