Need Advice- acute anxiety and OCD


My husband and I decided to start TTC baby #2 and it appears that we may have been blessed enough to conceive in the first cycle.

However, my husband has a history of anxiety and depressed along with diagnosed OCD. His anxiety started kicking up right after we begin trying and I have the impression that it’s directly related to his inability to control all parts of the pregnancy. With our first child we had a number of oddities/ difficulties including placenta previa, a placental abruption at 27 weeks and an emergency C-section followed by 2 blood transfusions for me. I understand how difficult watching all that was for him and don’t want to put him through all that stress again.

So my question is: do I share the news of our pregnancy right away with him and work with him, our Dr. and perhaps a therapist to help him cope with his pregnancy related anxieties?

The other option is to wait until after my first appointment around 8 weeks to determine the health and viability of the pregnancy before sharing the news with him.