Need to tell someone!!!!


So back in September I managed to get my boyfriend admit he had been paying off an engagement ring after some playful teasing and drinks. Since then we’ve had a few conversations here and there, but I try my best to not pester him about it! Well last night he tells me he’s actually thinking of getting a different ring than the one he planned, since he isn’t quite sure this is perfect ring. He also mentioned that he wanted to do that soon, like in a few days, so I should go onto Kay’s website and save some rings I like and send them to him!!!!! I was completely surprised and now I’m so excited that he’s gonna be buying it soon. I have noooooo clue when he’ll end up proposing— if it’ll be in a month or two or even more time. I’m not sure how I’m going to be able to keep my anticipation down and be patient!!!! We have a vacation coming in a month, but he’s already said he’d like to make it something special on its own, so I don’t think it’ll be then! Plus his birthday falls during our vaca 🤷‍♀️ All I know is I’m SO excited and CAN’T wait till the moment it actually happens!!!