Pregnant friend got a shot she didn’t need?

My friend and I are pregnant at the same time and we go to the same OB, although I am switching after 20 weeks because I am done with that place as they’ve made too way too many mistakes, one costing me over 400 dollars.

They recently told my friend (she is 9 weeks) she had tested positive for an std and she had to come in immediately and get a shot in her hip. She has only been with one person, her husband, so this is leading g her to believe she had been cheated on and all sorts of things.

She gets the shot. He gets tested and comes up negative. They test her again at the hospital, not the OB, and she also comes up negative for any std.

Now she’s worried if the shot she received could have any negative effects on her baby or herself seeing as she was really not supposed to have it at all. Anyone have any experience with this?