Feeling betrayed... hurts so much 😭


To try to keep a long story short...

I have 2 kids ages 11 and 15 with my ex husband. He was abusive, he only cared about drinking and getting high and buying things we couldn’t afford (2 cars repossessed and tons of debt). On top of that, he would yell and swear at the kids he never helped with them. My oldest was about 8 and youngest 3 when I left him for good. I had a restraining order against him for 2 years, after that he saw them sporadically for 4 years and then stopped seeing them for 2 years until this January. He also wouldn’t keep a job and didn’t help support the kids - he owes me $20k in child support. He has never been a parent. He never took his kids to the dr or dentist, never stayed up sick with them, never went to school conferences, didn’t teach them to ride a bike or tie shoe laces, etc.

Anyway, he comes back into their lives 7 months ago and tells them I was the reason he didn’t see them and makes other defamatory remarks about me to them; buys them video games and all of a sudden he’s father of the year!

My kids were just with him from Sunday until today, his girlfriend was pregnant and a week over due, so I told him and my oldest son (who has his own cell phone) that I wanted a call or text as soon as they were to

Leave for the hospital if she goes into labor so i could discuss picking them up. I never got that call or text. When my kids got home today, they informed me she did have her baby yesterday. When I asked my oldest why he didn’t call me, he said he just didn’t want to. I’m just so hurt. Doesn’t matter that I had to do everything on my own, that my I was always the one there for them. My ex talks shit and buys them video games and he becomes father of the year. 😭