Does he like me ?

So I hooked up with a guy and it went great! He ended up hanging out at my house for like four hours and we played guitar together and everything. He said things like “I know this is just supposed to be a hookup but are you tying to make me fall in love with you?” And “Mann you got me fucked up.” After he left he texted me immediately and said he had a great time and that I’m an awesome person. That night he followed me on Twitter and he commented on my insta pics sayin I’m beautiful n shit. Then i don’t hear from him for awhile. N now whenever I text him, where he used to reply within minutes, no he takes hours to reply. And I tried making plans w him this morning last night and he said damn I know it sounds like a lame excuse but I really do have an appointment then, is there any other time this week we could do it? And I said nah I don’t think so. And then he left me on opened and later that night he posted a pic n said “can’t stand bitches” which idk if that anything to do w me or not. And today I told him I had a free house so he was trying to get a ride but it took him forever to get back w me the whole time. Also a few nights ago I posted a poll n said if u like somebody should u wait til they give u a sign or should u make a move right away n he voted make a move right away. And that was what kinda prompted me to text him. And later that night he posted “idk why anyone would every be attracted to me I’m so fuckkking ugly”. Also I have dyed black hair and literally the night after we hooked up he dyed his hair black lmao. So idk what to think. He said today when he couldnt get a ride to my house he was “sad” n “wants to hang with me badd”. I’m just kinda confused lmao. What do u think?