Pregnancies after miscarriages


Okay ladies I honestly don’t even know where to start...

Little history:

May 26th 2017 I was on vacation with my SO we were having a good time. One night we decided to go out for dinner and i started throwing up right after infront of the restaurant (Iknow INFRONT OF THE RESTAURANT) 🤮🤮🤮🤮 never thought once that im pregnant. We went back to our hotel i had a migraine like MIGRAINE.

Went to bed the next morning we had some breakfast and again right after I vomited.... hmm still not thinking I could be pregnant. Day later vacation was over we came back home.

This particular morning my boobs were hurting me so bad... no sign of period when I went to the bathroom to check myself... had a pregnancy test at home nd tried it BAAMM!!!!!! Within seconds the line got darker

7 weeks june 22

I started spotting RED i panicked and thought this might lead to a miscarriage... this whole pregnancy i was reading more about miscarriage than the pregnancy itself.

We went to the emergency and had an ultrasound done everything was good and the blood was coming from my cervix which was normal. Pfieww thank god we left the ER.

9 weeks 2 days july 7 2017

First OBG appointment she asked few questions checked my history and based on thst she said everything looks good see u at 14 weeks👀

Me: everything looks good?

I asked her may I have an ultrasound done since im spotting brown here and there m. “No no Sabine you dont need that your bloodwork came back good everything looks good”

My SO tried can she have an ultrasound done ma’am? I want to see my baby. She;”No that’s not the reason we do ultrasound for”

She gave us after going back and forth the ultrasound requisition.

The exact same day i made an appointment for my ultrasound... I wish i never made an appointment

What’s about to happen....😔😔😔

Ultrasound techs are not allowed to say something so this guy remained silent my SO said if its good news just give us a heads up! He said ok...... me based on his face expression and what i was seeing i knew there was something wrong.

He confirmed it with the radiology and he came to us to tell us heart stopped beating at 7 WEEKS AND 4 DAYS!!!!!! Right after my first ultrasound....?

We got medication to cause the miscarriage and I started bleeding....

my OBG called saying im sorry I heard the bad news.. REALLY? Wasn’t everything okay?

After this horrible experience SO and I decided to change HER FIRST! Obviously 🤷🏼‍♀️

We started trying September 2017

No good luck untill we finally found a fertility specialist which was my new OBG appointments were always 3/4/5 months from the moment you book it. My family doctor sent the referral.

February 2018

I felt off... emotional not even nauseous or sore breast EMOTIONALLY im not an emotional girl like that... my SO was working outside the city I called him and started crying why? 🤷🏼‍♀️ exactly i DONT KNOW?!

Period was coming up in 4 days I decided to do a test and BAMMMM!!! Again positive

Obviously ya girl don’t believe her eyes and run to shoppers to get some more lol

I was so happy thinking everything happens for a reason im pregnant again really? How we only BD ONCE this month?

While i was thinking what the next step is i received a phone call from the lady at the front desk “Good morning Sabine do you still want to see a doctor for infertility” (we have been trying for quite a bit so my family doctor recommended this clinic)

Me:”erm actually im pregnant so i would like to see him yeah!” Appointment booked for April 23rd

March 15

Spotting and cramps went to an ultrasound clinic did some ultrasound and went in the next day to get my results... my family doctor was happier than i was! Sabine congratulations not 1 but 2 FETUS!!!!

Huh what wait twins??????

He said again “Congratulations not 1 but 2” and as emotional as I was of course i started crying!! He said but just to mention one of the fetus has a heartbeat twin B is maybe still too early since it was measuring 5 weeks while twin A was having a good heartbeat.

Repeated my ultrasound 2 weeks later and yeah... twin A was growing well while twin B stopped growing:-(

I have been told it was supposed to be identical twins. (Results from my fanily doctor)

1 or 2 weeks after i had my very first OBG appointment me and my SO were sitting there at the waiting room.

I needed the washroom and you wont believe what i saw!!!!! BLOOD! Really?! Bleeding here at the OBG office like wth?

I tried not to panic hmm Sabine calm maybe its just the other twin that’s trying to pass.

I informed the nurse that i was bleeding and my OB didn’t even wait and came straight to us he said

“Hi Sabine based on your history you’re pregnant with identical twins. Identical twins means they both sharing one placenta and since one of your babys gave up just to let you know the chance of the other baby to give up too is big!”

I was so confused and lost!

What do you mean? He said we will do some ultrasound and talk after

And YUP! My other baby gave up right after the second ultrasound I burst out in tears! NO NO NO PLEASE NOT ME AGAIN😭😭😭😭😭😭

“Sabine like i told you i have 20 years of experience and most pregnancy like this endup as a miscarriage. We can do 2 things or you wait untill you pass them or D&C;”

D&C; please! Is what i answered oh hell yeah i want d&C; no more pills like last time!

The same day he planned my D&C; and i came back home with an EMPTY UTERUS 😪

3 weeks after i had my first period may 19th 2018

Is there another pregnancy? 🤷🏼‍♀️ if your guys are interested in my life story please comment and i will finish the story line up until now!

I typed pretty fast im sorry for the mistakes