Miscarriage help



Hello everyone, I am desperate to find someone that has had a similar situation. I feel like this has been a never ending nightmare, the never ending miscarriage.

So I had a missed miscarriage confirmed the 21st and took cytotec to pass the pregnancy the 26th. 24 hours later an ultrasound showed I passed baby but had stopped bleeding (more spotting) and needed to pass the rest of the tissue, so was given a second dose of cytotec.

This is now day 10 is this process and there is no sign of slowing down. My doctor says it’s normal but it is so hard to move forward with my life when I’m living in a hell of continuous bleeding, passing clots and cramps. 10 days. And it looks like it’ll continue for many more days. Still red blood, still thick.

For the love of god I just want to be able to heal physically and emotionally. I want to move forward and not wear giant pads everyday. How long did you bleed for after miscarriage or cytotec?? Did you have a complete miscarriage or after all this did you end up needing a d&c;?

I’m just feeling physically and emotionally drained.

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Posted at
Same thing. Needed 2 doses and ended up needing D&C.; Honestly I was begging for it at that point, I just wanted it to be over with and start to move on and heal. I got pregnant 5 weeks later and am currently pregnant with my rainbow and baby girl #2💕


Jackie • Jul 5, 2018
That’s exactly what I told my husband. It’s already a stressful and devastating time and prolonging it just sucks. I’m sorry you’re going through this😕


Br • Jul 5, 2018
This is frustrating and also good to hear. I know, in retrospect I wish I would’ve done d&c; from the get go


Posted at
I think a bled longer miscarrying than I did after giving birth. Hopefully it’ll end soon for you 💕


Br • Jul 5, 2018
I told my husband this feels like afterbirth and that required me to wear depends for 7 weeks.


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I am currently going through this too. We were diagnosed with a missed miscarriage on 6/25. The doctor gave us a few days to process and then we started cytotec Thursday. I had a round Thursday with an ultrasound on Friday everything still intact but I was bleeding. I did a second round on Friday and another ultrasound on Saturday, he could see the lining starting to drop but the empty sac was still present. So we did a third round on Saturday and had another ultrasound on Sunday. The ultrasound on Sunday showed a lot of blood in my uterus but my cervix was still closed so he scheduled an emergency d&c.; I don't know if my experience was different because I am seeing a fertility specialist or what. I have heard so many people say that they just waited for weeks. We were not given that option.


Posted at
I had an ectopic and was given methotrexate so it was a little different but I bled for three weeks. And then it took eight weeks for my HCG levels to return to normal. It was awful. Worse than postpartum bleeding and cramping, honestly. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Posted at
I got the D&C; because I was ready for it to be over. Missed miscarriage at 11 weeks and baby quit growing at 8 weeks. Dr was worried that I wouldn’t pass it. 2w2d later I’m almost done. Just had light spotting the last week. Day 5 after the D&C; ((which was 6/20) was rough passed a big clot. Emotionally I don’t think you ever get over it, but you learn how to cope and know your baby is in a better place. I hope you get through this!!! ❤️


Posted at
Yeah that’s happened to me. Bled for two months following my initial d&c; and had to have another one to get all the tissue out. Didn’t stop bleeding until I was put on birth control to start a period. My second one I was given Cytotec as well and had to be given two rounds of pills as well. Again, I didn’t stop bleeding until I was put on birth control and my body had a period.


Beatriz • Jul 5, 2018
Only had to do one month of the 30 day packet. Just to restart the cycle and then we were free to try again.


Br • Jul 5, 2018
Omg 😱😱 how long were you on bc? We want to TTC again, but I’m worried that will be my route.