Miscarriage help


Hello everyone, I am desperate to find someone that has had a similar situation. I feel like this has been a never ending nightmare, the never ending miscarriage.

So I had a missed miscarriage confirmed the 21st and took cytotec to pass the pregnancy the 26th. 24 hours later an ultrasound showed I passed baby but had stopped bleeding (more spotting) and needed to pass the rest of the tissue, so was given a second dose of cytotec.

This is now day 10 is this process and there is no sign of slowing down. My doctor says it’s normal but it is so hard to move forward with my life when I’m living in a hell of continuous bleeding, passing clots and cramps. 10 days. And it looks like it’ll continue for many more days. Still red blood, still thick.

For the love of god I just want to be able to heal physically and emotionally. I want to move forward and not wear giant pads everyday. How long did you bleed for after miscarriage or cytotec?? Did you have a complete miscarriage or after all this did you end up needing a d&c;?

I’m just feeling physically and emotionally drained.