Your loss

Jerri • Follower of Christ, Business Major, Quote to live by: "It's not the years in your life that matter, It's the Life in your years

Good morning you lovely people! I got to vent. 1st off my self-esteem is pretty good for my self. When I love, I love hard.

So when you crush that then I gotta rebuild it. Not you. I believed that our love was real and obviously I was the only one. You broke up with me, not the other way around. You came clean and told me you cheated. Kudos for you!

And then you combed back after a couple of weeks and apologize and want me to trust you again. Have I forgave you? Yes I deeply believe I have.

The thing that frustrates me is myself. I went back when you apologized and wanted to get back together. My mistake...

At this point I'm done. I gotta figure out who I am without you and of course that is something I have to do alone. I hope you have an amazing life and wish you all the best.

Thanks for letting me vent guys!