Breastfeeding HELP.

I feel like a failure. I’m pregnant with my 3rd child and have only breastfeed my other babies for a week or two max.

I think I was dealing with engorgement. I couldn’t even wear a t shirt it was so painful. My nipples would get scabbed and I was frustrated with the little milk I could produce. I was always so happy to just let it dry up and feel normal again.

I don’t want to do that this time. But I don’t know how to change what I’m doing. Is there an amazing pump out there? Should I drink a ton of water? Nipple shields? I’d been to a lactation consultant but I get so judged I never wanted to go back.

Any advice, tips, website, YouTube video blog, anything. Please somebody give me the 411 or point me in the right direction.

My future baby and I thank you.