Defeated Bad Mom Blues


I literally cried because my baby boy is not BFing well.... He screams and cries so hard every time it comes to feeding time he gets so frustrated and I end up crying. He was latching perfectly when he was born (low blood sugar so he was put on my breast ASAP) he’s 3 days old and he’s having a hard time now and refuses sometimes.

I definitely make enough milk

I tried all positions and ways

But my nipples are cracked, and bruised from him being so fussy at the breast. I had to pump and give it to him thru a bottle(I plan to combo feed when I return to work but I didn’t wana introduce a bottle too early)

I feel like a failure right now, honestly I feel defeated at 3 days PP.. my other son never once had a bottle and I breast fed him til he was 2 years old.

I know the first few weeks are the hardest but I’m not so confident his time around..
