Having trouble trying to use the bathroom!

Irie • first time mom 💫 - 1 year & 6 months with the LOML ♥️ - 07/06/18 Eleanor Grace✨

I am 6 days PP & am recovering from a c-section. I feel fine overall besides not being able to take a poo lol. Ive been taking stool softeners, miralax, & drinking as much water as I can. At first, it was hard for me to pass gas but it’s getting better as the days go by. Getting into a routine with baby Ellie is getting a lot easier too.

It’s almost been a week and I still haven’t been able to have a bowel movement. It’s starting to worry me. I guess I’ll just keep taking the stool softener and the miralax til something happens. I’ve always had problems going to the potty before being pregnant with severe constipation. I hope this isn’t the case.

Anyone else have this issue? And if so, any advice on what I can do to make this process go along faster? I’d appreciate anything!!!