Five years too long (emotional abuse)


It starts off perfect, but he put small little things into your mind.. things that he thinks you could change. So you do. Time goes by and more and more starts to fall into place. You aren’t allowed to drive because he feels you’ll find someone new. You can’t hang out with guy friends because they only want one thing from you. You can’t even talk to his friends without him saying you want them. You can’t even enjoy sex cause it’s about him and only him. You flinch every time he goes to raise his hand at you.. he may have never hit you but he pretends that he’s about to all the time. He’ll be angry with you if he doesn’t get his way, he’ll make everything your fault and that your an idiot. Idiot, whore, slut, retard, grow the fuck up, shut the fuck up, that’s stupid. And he WILL tell you he’s just JOKING if you bring up him saying those things to you. Cause In his mind.. your a joke, you are just a piece of skin he can use and manipulate whenever and if you piss him off then he’ll bring up your past. Over and over again. He’ll cry to have you back. He’ll wish you never left. He’ll even threaten you. Don’t fall for his shit ever again. You have the power to choose what to do in YOUR life

Five years too long with a “man” who I met in high school.. I broke it off a week ago by being nice and not starting any conflict between us but slowly deleting him off every social media platform I use. He called me unattractive last week for getting my lip pierced and that’s when I realized I can’t stay any longer. If they don’t love you or don’t respect what you do to your own self then they aren’t worth your time.