How do I deal with school anxiety?


So I’ve dealt with social anxiety my whole life.. and though I’m fine in most situations I still get sooo anxious at school. In high school I spent half of my day in the school office or nurse bc I couldn’t go to class.. the last 2 years of HS I was homeschooled. Now I’m in college and the idea of sitting down in a classroom filled with a ton of other people terrifies me.. I went to my college yesterday to check out my classes & felt like everyone was staring at me (they probably wouldn’t.. I just get super self conscious) and I ended up having a full blown anxiety attack and having to leave 🙁 I take a low dosage of anxiety medication already.. but I wish I could deal with this in other ways than taking medication. I’d appreciate any advice.. or ways to be less self conscious around other people my age. Thank you xoxo 🙂