Please Help! Trouble at bible study 😪


I moved and it took us a long while to find a new church. We finally did and I wanted to get plugged into a life group (I have 2 Christian friends and neither live in my state so I thought it'd also be a great way to make Christian friends). I should mention this is the only life group in my area since I live a little far out.

I loved the group. There was one lady that came once in a while that seemed a little stand offish but it was no big deal. Well she ended up taking over the group. Let's call her "D"

Slowly she started being a bit mean to me and I didn't know why. She also took offense to half of the things I said. For example, we were trying to watch a bible video and I said "I think it needs to be a smart TV that can connect to the internet" She said "WELL I guess my TV isn't smart." and I just moved on. Another example is when she made dinner for everyone and I told her I couldn't eat because I was on a special diet to help with my health issues and that I already ate (since she announced what she was making) but I didn't make a big deal and thanked her 3 or 4 times for making dinner and she was still offended.

I prayed about it a lot and decided to try harder to befriend her and ask about her day, be extra cautious of her feelings, compliment her often... and it's almost as if things got worse

So I think I finally figured out her deal. There is another gal in the group that is in charge of children's ministry. Let's call her "N". D is N's right hand person that helps out in children's ministry so they are friends.

When I first met N I thought we have a lot in common, kids of similar age, and I bet we'd make good friends. I think that is what D has a problem with. If we had a game night she didn't want me on N's team. N was having a bday party for her son and invited me at our study and D said "you can't invite everyone" clearly making it seem like I invited myself or wouldn't be welcome. I mean I'm not sure what else it could be.

Here's what's really getting to me. My son has some special needs we're working through. She often commented about how basically I'm babying him (he's under age 1) and that's why we're having issues. When I shared (fighting tears) that he's in early intervention she scoffed and rolled her eyes

.. even though teams of professionals evaluated him and agree he should be in EI. Well right now my son has extreme separation anxiety. We've been working on it constantly and in two of his different therapies. She makes it clear she thinks it's because I'm a bad mom and I'm the reason he's acting this way (not true at all).

On Sunday we took him to church and I guess he had a super hard time (he usually does but I guess this was constant cry). N stopped me on the way to pick him up and was telling me in a kind way what happened and D stood behind her with a smug look on her face (that's the best description) sometimes laughing.

I sort of feel like I'm being bullied but to feel like she's bullying my son is just too much. I went home in tears.

You guys I don't know what to do. This bible study time means the world to me and I can't switch groups. I don't even know what to pray for about it anymore. I'm trying to be kind and compassionate to her and praying that she'll resolve whatever her issues are but now I'm just exhausted with this all. We're all adults but I'm at a loss. Any advice?