
Hi Cysters/ anyone reading this!

Recently diagnosed with PCOS at 16 has been really hard but also really eye opening! It gives closure to all those questions and concerns you might have about your body - but are too afraid to look into. For me - it was my hirsutism. I had it since puberty and it was obviously more visible compared to the girls around me without PCOS. I tried to accept it and eventually got used to it - because my body being this hairy has and will be all I ever really know. However, it began to get worse this past year. I’ve noticed lots of hair grown giving me some serious side burns and an unwanted presence on my chin, along with a snail trail down my chest. At 16, this is the last thing I want to be happening to my body - exploring clothing choices and swim suits became a chore, and dressing fun became anxiety attacks where I was constantly adjusting things so no would notice my dilemma. Finally, I told my mom I couldn’t just let this mentally rule me, and I wanted to see a doctor. I spoke to my pediatrician and he recommended me to a female obgyn doctor. She had an ultra sound ran on me for PCOS, and blood work for hormones to check if those were the cause instead of PCOS. Also ladies! The leading symptom of pcos is irregular cycles, but that doesn’t mean that just because you don’t have irregular cycles yet, u don’t have PCOS! My leading symptom is hirsutism, which lead me on this journey. As soon as I was diagnosed, all emotions bursted from me. Closure! Anxiety! Anger! Frustration! Disappointment! Motivation! Sadness! You name it. I researched it everyday until I knew exactly how to conquer this incurable condition. Most doctors prescribe birth control upon this diagnosis; however, all research I’ve done has shown that most women despised this plan, because it wasn’t a long term solution and didn’t work as well as lifestyle changes. So now here I am! Birth control free! Facing my PCOS completely through my diet and supplements, the natural way to reverse these symptoms. It’s almost been a month, and not only have I somewhat noticed changes in my symptoms, but I feel clean now from eating completely organic and cleanly. My main purpose for this post was to shed light on hirsutism for me, yet I’ve gone into a bit of a tangent. Basically, I’ve explored the ideas of electrolysis, shaving the hair, plucking, waxing, medications, etc. In some countries, electrolysis is covered by the insurance for this medical condition, but I really doubt that’s gonna be my case. I plan to get it done when I’m an adult with $ saved, and figure some more affordable options in the meantime. Before I was diagnosed, I used nair (hair remover) which is fine but doing it was a pain and with my condition it was only somewhat helpful. What I’m doing now is hair bleach! I really like this option because even though I’m insecure about my body hair, body hair in women is something that’s more and more on the rise for feminists, which I’m proud to say I am also one. Yes - maybe it’s hypocritical that I act a supporter but am trying to conceal my dark black hair on my pale skin, but that’s just 16 year old me. I’ve used it on my chest, face, and belly button. And I am really stoked about the outcome. The hair is still noticeable, but I’m more much comfortable with it because I don’t feel it takes away from my other features anymore. And I don’t have to worry about the hair growing back with nair because it’s still there! Sorry this is long! Hope I helped someone in the mean time (: