Husband is addicted to porn. Help me with an addiction busting scrapbook.

Super long, but can someone please help. If you don't want to read the whole thing, skip to the last three paragraphs for the part I really need help with.

Okay, so long story short, my husband has been addicted to porn since he was a teenager. We have been together seven years, about seven or eight years after his porn addiction started. We have a 19 month-old toddler and a another due in September.

I thought he quit watching porn five years ago, but I got a suspicion and asked him and he said he had not quit. He just cut down from every day to once a week.

He has promised me that he wants to truly quit this time. He's promised to tell me when he feels the urge to look at it or if slips up and looks at it. He is a very Christian man that has somewhat fallen out of touch with God these past few years. I, myself, believe in God, but anxiety gives me a lot of doubt and I spend half my time believing and half of my time not.

He works night shift and we have a toddler, so getting back into church isn't an option and neither is a support group. He works 14 hours a night and needs 8 hours of sleep, so the one or two hours of time he has is best for us to spend as a couple and for him to spend with our toddler.

My husband has stated that this will be hard for him and that he needs my help and God's to get over this.

I want to make him some kind of little booklet with bible verses about lust and temptation and give him the option to read it when he is feeling close to relapsing. But I also do not want to beat him over the head with the "you are a bad man, you are going to Hell because you cheated, etc." I want some kind of healthy balance between verses that lecture him and some others that aren't going to make him feel like he is a lost cause because lecturing him, berating him, etc is not going to help. While everyone needs a little tough love, my husband is most definitely the type that thrives off of positive attention/reinforcement and not negative.

I love this man. I've never been in love before him and I have never been with anyone else, sexually. I've never even been attracted to anyone else before him and still am not. And I thought something was wrong with me for a long time for that. We've been together since I was seventeen. I want what is best for him and although my heart is broken, I am not mad at him. I understand that he is a victim of addiction here. It's no more fair to be mad at him for this than it would be to be angry with an alcoholic. Which is why I don't want this to seem like I am pissed at him.

Can anyone help me come up with verses to add to this? I want some in the category of lust and temptation, but I also want some that will encourage him and make him feel loved as well. And any other categories of verses that you can think of to help? I plan on writing letters of encouragement between the categories and putting an index at the back. Anyone else have any ideas of things I can add?