Ok so this is gonna be a little bit of a long story with little bits and bobs scattered about because I am absolutely TERRIBLE at story telling. This is true 100% lmao and if you have a few minutes please read and maybe leave a little advice?

OK! Y’all ready?
I am 15, I am in Year 10 in Australia. There is a boy, let’s calllll himmmmmm ben I guess??? (That’s just one of the most common names I could think of. Ok let’s go!
Ok so i first met him start of last term so maybe 10 weeks ago now. We were in the same week long activity, all day every day of that week was spent with them. (I have mostly male friends, I’ll clear that up now) so in the friend group for the week there were 5 of us, I, the only girl, but I was fine with this because on e again, I have mostly male friends. Ok so we spend general class time together, Wednesday comes round, we have an excursion. On Thursday I am in a pair with another boy for the task, we are good friends already. Anyway, we sit at a table a little far away because we need space to create our poster and I go over there because I don’t have an eraser, I ask them for one, ben has one etc etc. anyways, occasionally I’ll look over and we say some little things just as general exchange, and his friend ‘harry’ is sitting behind ben, so when me and Ben look at eachother ben cannot see harry. So when we have these little exchanges harry will make a heart with his hands and point to ben and then point to me. I took it as a joke and kinda played along a little. A little later on i went over there to return his eraser and ben looks stressed. I ask what’s wrong and harry interrupts and says ‘the issues is that a girl that he REALLY REALLY likes is standing right next to him’ ben blushes and kinda just says no and nervously laughs at this point I kinda don’t know what to do. Any way, over the rest of the week these little things happen, at one point another kid in our group makes a joke saying ‘ooooh you starstruck lovers’. Bothe ben and I just laugh.
A couple weeks go by and we don’t really talk, then one day I go and sit with his group and he is trying REALLY hard to keep our conversation going. He offers me all of these little things etc etc always offering his help and he is super sweet and pretty cute about it all. So on so forth.

Fast forward to when we start getting closer, I sit with their group pretty much half of the time and we are super good buddies. We catch the same bus, wait at the bus stop together and this one thing happens which makes me really think. He pulls a little face at me and I say jokingly ‘that’s beautiful ben’ and he replies with ‘you’re beautiful’. I guess I blushed and kinda giggled and he just said nothing. Just smiled at me. Anyway, good timing, the bus pulls up to kinda break it up a little, no more awkward silence (even though it lasted about 3 seconds). We have good conversations.
Another day at the bus stop it is super windy and I mention that I was cold AND HE OFFERS ME HIS JACKET which was super cute but I declined because I genuinely would have felt so bad (which I look back on and hope he didn’t take it as me seeming like I’m not interested)
Once again, fast forward a little and we are sitting on the bus, he started telling me how he and harry (remember that guy? At the start of the story, well, those two are best friends) ok so he says that he was talking to harry about how he ‘struggles talking to girls’ and how he feels bad he has only ever been on one date. I assure him it’s ok, he will be fine talking to girls and not to feel bad, I have never been on a date, had a kiss, boyfriend or even held a guys hand in that kinda way. He kinda just laughs and says, it’s ok I’m sure it’s gonna happen soon’ this conversation goes on for a little while.
Once again, another time on the bus (the bus is a recurring place because it’s the only time we have alone -at this point- without the group to pay us out in a friendly but teasing way) ok so this time on the bus this little kid got on and I got super clucky. But then he asked if I’d ever have kids, I said no, explained that I’d adopt etc etc and he said ‘I’ll make sure you change your mind on that one’ any ways, we get onto the topic of marriage and I say I wouldn’t have a wedding, probably not even get married because of legal stuff and wedding cost so much, but if I did end up getting married I’d have a tiny little cute wedding, I wouldn’t want a big one and he says ILL KEEP THAT IN MIND!!!!. Ok he then says ‘would you marry me?’ In a joking way and I say of course I would and we shake on it.
Anyways, on the bus he will sit next to me fairly close even though there’s so much room on the seat and he will share his headphones with me and we will watch Netflix together on the bus which is kinda lame but whatever.
Later on we find out we have a class together for second semester and that we spend ALL TUESDAYS TOGETHER!!! ok so we are keen for this and now we sit together in class and there’s so many of these little things which are heaps cute.
Anyway. In the school holidays I ask if he is free. He says yes, we organise it, it was gonna be just us, he misses the train but our other friend (let’s call her Mindy) so ben Asks Mindy to quickly go to the city because he’d feel bad leaving me there and then it’s us three which I am very OK with. We are sitting in a park and the ground is kinda wet because it is a sunny winter day and I don’t really care so I sit on the ground because we didn’t bring a rug. Later on I make a comment about this and he didn’t say anything but he oh-so-carefully pulled apart a box which had cookies in it so I have a little seat which was kinda cute.
me and Mindy were messaging on Snapchat we are talking about ben and trying to work out whether he likes me, she managed to get it out of me that I like him, and she asks me if she can subtly ask him if he likes me and I say yes (I know it was a mistake -which I’m getting to- but please be patient, I really like this kid and I’ve never been in a relationship so I had no idea what to do) and he SOMEHOW dodges the question and she asks harry and harry is a bit of a weird kid but harry then messages me and blah blah blah but yeah.
That’s my story
100% true and I 150% need a little bit of advice.
So my theory is that he likes me but he’s too shy, he is a shy person and that’s why I’m trying to gently drop hints I like him too, but we are both too scared of rejection.
Excuse the typos. If you don’t get any of it just comment what you don’t get and I’ll try fix it up so you can understand it haha!
Thanks guys!
Much much love xx

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