Competition between first and second born...

I’m 40 weeks pregnant with my first daughter but my boyfriends second daughter. He is currently incarcerated and has been for 6 months. He doesn’t get out until 2020. However, I am friends with his first child’s mother on social media and she is constantly bragging about how much his family buys for her daughter. His family hasn’t talked to me since I found out I was pregnant. They supposedly told her that they don’t care and aren’t going to care about my child because hers was first and they were together longer. I am so hurt not only that my child isn’t worthy of their love but also because she is constantly trying to one up me and my child isn’t even born yet. I know once my daughter is here she and everyone else is going to compare their looks and say one is cuter than the other and it just makes me so sad. I should be excited about my first born but all I can think about is how she is going to be judged and compared already as a newborn. Ugh.