Stepmom not excited about pregnancy

Charlotte • Wife 💍 stepmom 👸 pibble mom 🐶🐶🐶 Kendal Grace Jan. 2019 👣🍼

I am 13 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend (fiance) and I announced to my dad and SM this past Wednesday. I don't have a good relationship with my SM but she seemed to be excited. I have been with boyfriend for 7 years exclusively and he has a stb12 year old daughter. Before announcing baby, my boyfriend asked my dad for my hand in marriage officially even though we've been engaged for 6 years. My dad gave his blessing of course and we announced the pregnancy shortly after. My dad was surprised because I know he thinks he is too young to be a grandpa at 55 haha I am 25 and fiance is 34. We are due in January.

Anyway, my SM is not a nice person. She vented to my aunt, my dad's youngest sister, that I don't have insurance, daycare, and haven't gotten on my feet and this is "so sudden" even though we PLANNED this baby. Fiance is a successful business owner and I am an xray tech making $20-25/ hour at least 30 hours a week since I graduated school.

My SM has never been a "mom" figure to me and I moved out at 18 because of her. She is rude to my fiance but treats his daughter ok. I think she is projecting onto us that her 21 year old daughter is failing out of university because she's a pot head and so is her 24 year old boyfriend who makes minimum wage at an ice cream shop. I love my stepsis but, humble brag, fiance and I are way better off than them and I've been on my own with him since I graduated high school and her daughter still lives at home and has no financial responsibility.

Of course, SM would never say these things to me or my dad but why does she think my dads sister wants to hear her trash talk me? Also, I do have insurance, always have, and while my dad cosigned for my student loans, I solely pay them every month on time and never ask him for financial help. When baby comes, fiance and I plan to work opposite schedules until she (yes, baby is a she) can go to daycare at 18 months. Fiance's daughter went to this daycare at 18 months also and was taught sign language, numbers, the alphabet, etc. and skipped 1st grade because of how advanced she was.

Why can't my SM just be happy instead of putting me down? Everyone else is over the moon and she just sees less $$ in her pocket because my dad will now have a granddaughter. My dad even knows that she is a golddigger and keeps separate accounts from her and has explicitly said on multiple occasions that anything that is "less money in her pocket" is a threat to her. What a miserable wench. I tried to be nice but our baby will never be around her now. We don't need that negativity in our lives.