Bc I need to vent

Why say you’re going to help with something and than not.

First my brothers stupid gf tells us the whole time she’s gonna help us with the shower, she’ll help set up, help with games, and announcing gifts. A week before the shower she forgets she’s going camping with her family. Like you’re a fuckin liar, you didn’t have these camping plans before hand. You knew this date for months. Two, if you really didn’t wanna help why offer it.

We’re in the process of moving out of our apartment. And we had to rip part of the doorway off to get our couch in and out of the living room. We did that when we moved in so obv when we move out we have to do that too. Both my brothers offered to help and do it. They both said next week. One week before our inspection Bc the couch has been out but it needs to be put back up with trimming and a nail gun. Things we don’t have. But again they offered!!!!!! Otherwise we would’ve found someone else to help. Of course the brother with the gf who bailed tells me today he can’t do it and my other brother can handle it himself. Which is not the point. You don’t even have a reason for why you can’t. And why last minute are you bailing when this whole time you told me you would.

It’s so much stress on me, like I’m 32 weeks pregnant, now I gotta worry about weather this apartment is going to get done, have to worry about my damn shower.

And now I’m thinking they offered to throw a diaper party for my husband... I’m realizing that is probably not going to happen either. And that pisses me off even more.

And it’s like when your stupid gf left you stranded somewhere Bc yous were fighting, who came to pick you up?! ME!!! Even tho I was feeling sick that day. I helped you! When everyone talked Shit about your gf who was the only nice one and never got involved.

Not anymore. I’m done helping people. I’m done helping my brother and his stupid gf with anything. I’m just done.

Sorry just needed to vent Bc I just don’t get why people offer to help and than go back on their word. It just makes me mad Bc I’ve helped them so much.