My third and final child


A little late but here's my birth story. On June 24th I had what I suspected was leaking fluid but I wasn't sure so I decided to wait to go to the hospital. It was over an hour away so i wasn't about to go and find out I was just having trouble controlling my bladder. I kept having damp underwear the following day so I asked my boyfriend to bring me in after he got home from work. I packed my bags and set up for my boys to go with a friend. We headed to the hospital. We got a room right away and they tested to see if it was amniotic fluid. Of course, it was. They admitted me and because I hadn't started contracting, but was leaking for about 24 hours, they felt it was best to induce. I decided on receiving pitocin instead of the balloon in my cervix. After about 2-3 hours on the pitocin, I asked for the epidural (wow those contractions were so much harder to handle than ones from natural labor). I was able to nap for a few hours and the nurse woke me up to use the peanut ball between my legs. After about an hour and a half she came in and checked me. I was fully dilated and my waters were bulging like a water balloon (nurse's analogy). She left to get everything needed for delivery, wgile she was gone I felt my water break fully and it made me jump. Then my room was flooded with people and equipment. They got me up in the stirrups and had me practice pushing. I barely pushed and she was right there, they told me to stop pushing as they weren't quite ready. They called another person in the room and then I could push for real, three pushes and she was out. This was my second successful Vbac. The next day I had my tubes tied. Three kids is enough for this momma.

Iris Mae born June 26th 6lbs 6oz 19in