27 week premie

Alantra🧜‍♀️ • Wife ❤ 1 son 💙 One on the way with a twin in heaven 💕

My son was born today, July 22nd 2018, at 3:29pm. He weighed 2lbs 8.4ozs. His apgar was a 4, then 2, went up to a 5 and was at 7 before he was transported to a better hospital.

Here is my birth story, it's very short and scary but I really wanna share it.

So on Thursday I started having lower back pain at work. I am a cashier so I figured it was just a result of being on my feet 8 hours a day while pregnant. No biggie, right? I went home,and slept on my couch because it's softer than our bed. Hoping a good nights rest was all I needed. The pain was better Friday morning but not gone. I was off so I cleaned up my house and kind of layed around afterwards still having lower back pain but not severe. Saturday morning I woke up hurting, and still went to work. I got off at 6:30 and that's when it started to get really painful. Being a first time mom I wasn't thinking I was in labor. Just thought it was normal pregnancy back pain. Around 9pm I started having what I thought were Braxton Hicks. They weren'abouabme timeable but hurt a little. I ate some dinner and Hubby made me a heating pad with rice which only helped so much. We went to bed and I tossed and turned in pain. We woke up around 9am to his dad calling to see if we were still coming to church. Now at this point, I was able to time my contractions and they had been 3 minutes apart since I started watching the clock when I woke up with them so strong I was nauseous. As odd as it sounds, and I'm gonna get a lot of how did you not know you were in labor??? I've never been in labor before and at 28 weeks wasn't expecting to be for awhile. So I am standing in church having contractions, singing the Old Rugged Cross and a couple of others trying not to seem like anything was wrong. I went to the restroom during a song bc I felt wet down there. It was just a small spot of what I assumed was fluid and there was a small clump of snotty discharge (my mucus plug). At that moment I knew I was in labor. I came back to my seat and told my fiancé what happened in the bathroom. He asked if I was okay. Being a first time dad he wasn't aware how serious this was. We got out of church and he talked for about 30mins to church folks. I asked him to take me to the hospital BC I was worried about the baby. He was still kicking so, I knew he was alive but my contractions were 2 and 3 mins apart. He, for some reason, thought I just needed to eat and take a shower for the pain. He was adamant about coming home first. He was supposed to go to work after church but seeing how much pain I was in he realized I wouldn't be able to drive myself and brought me to the ER after we ate, contractions were Still 2/3 mins apart but soooo much stronger. Take my breath away stronger. I honestly was hoping since my water hadn't broke they'd be able to give me something to stop contractions. But when they checked my cervix I was ready 8cm dilated. So there was no stopping it. My bag of waters was in my cervix and when they checked him he was breech, butt first. So they kept saying don't push we have to do an emergency c section. My fiancé was in the waiting room not knowing what was going on until I was about to be wheeled into the OR. They brought him in after my IVs and catherter was in and let me tell him our baby was gonena be born today. 3 months early. He started to cry and I told him to call his parents. They wheeled me back and put me to sleep. I woke up to being told he needed CPR but was doing good.

The doctor just called me from the other hospital and he is doing good. Im still 2 hours away from him at the other hospital where he was born. But his,daddy and grandpa are on the way to see him.