Evil wants my baby

I’m going to sound crazy right now. Since Friday after I’ve been seeing things hearing things and just having a bad feeling. I have a 5weeks old baby. On Friday afternoon I had a dream that a demon wanted my baby. It would leave me alone in my dream and whej I asked what it wanted it pointed to my baby. Friday evening I was feeding my baby on the bed and the whole bed shook like and mini earthquake my husband walked in and I said was there just an earthquake he said no Friday night as I’m getting her ready for bed I hear a voice right by my ear say hey. Saturday at 1 in the morning as I’m feeding baby the bed shake harder this time husband wakes up and I yell did you feel that and he says what? I tell him the bed shook and he says no I ask why he wakes up then he said cus he heard me say something. Sunday night I keep feeling that someone is looked at me so I keep waking up checking on baby and I see somtbing like glitch right in front of my baby’s bassist. At this point I just tell everything to my husband cus I feel like I’m going crazy but instead he tells me he just had a dream last night that the devil wants our daughter and he said he kept waking up last night too because he felt someone staring at him.