Cleaning with depression, before and after pictures

First of all: Yes! I am shamelessly fishing for compliments and encouragement!

For several years I have been struggling with depression and anxiety sometimes at the same time some time just one or the other. But for the past year or so the depression was slowly creeping up on me. I thought I was able to handle it and stay on top of working, keeping house, and taking care of my toddler. I hadn't realized how low my energy and motivation were until it got so bad I was missing due dates for bills.

Here is my dinner table where I would just drop the mail and forget about it. And a picture of after I organized the mail and cleaned it.

The living room before cleaning and organizing. In my defense I do take care of up to 4 toddlers part time, including my own kid.

After cleaning.

Before and after clearing the living room table. Both of my jobs I work from home so sometimes I need to work from the laptop in the living room. I blocked out the collage of my kid.

I am too embarrassed to post pictures of my messy bathroom and kitchen even anonymously! But here is the after picture of the stove. Right now the coffee maker and toaster are on the counter again.

If you read all this or looked at the pictures I thank you!

Feel free to post your before and after pictures or works in progress for encouragement!

I am still coming out a funk, but with help from my family, my counselor, and medication I am improving a lot. I am so glad I asked for help and wish I had done so earlier.


Thank you all for being so supportive and positive! It has really made me feel proud! I am continuing to clean and organize the house.

Answer about the fish tank, I used to have Glow fish but they died. I think of "old age" I had them about a year and I fed and cleaned the same but they died off. Now I just a mini algae eater. I would like clean it and get more fish soon.

I do have sink, it just isn't in the picture, we have an L shaped counter.