Tortuous TWW

Kate • Married 10-28-2017. Rainbow 🌈 baby boy born 11-08-2019. Golden baby boy born 08-03-2021. 1 angel baby (missed miscarriage 11-2018). 👼🏻

I’m in the TWW, had peak OPK on Friday, <a href="">IUI</a> #1 on Saturday morning. I had to take Clomid cycle days 3-7 because I didn’t get a peak last month, and my last 2 cycles were about 21 days.

I’m trying to not think about having any symptoms, and I really hate not knowing and having to wait. Since my last 2 cycles were 21 days, I don’t know if my cycle is going to be longer than 21 days or not because of the Clomid. 😩