Fiancé's family


Okay so for that past year my fiancé and I have lived with his parents. His dad mostly works out of state or out of the country so he's never home. His mom has chronic migraines and stress induced seizures, so we lived with them to care for her. His younger brothers are 21 and 18 but super irresponsible. Neither will cook or clean. Every time their mom had the slightest head pain, they called on my fiancé. Even if he was at work. Last year at this time, she was having 2-3 seizures every day to every other day. Now she is much better, even able to hold a job down. The 2 or 3 seizures she has had were 1-2 months apart. Which is amazing for her. She has a good weight now, more color in her face. Yeah she still gets tired from time to time and she still gets some migraines, but she's healthier and doing much better. So my fiancé and I thought, "let's start our life". I hadn't worked the whole year I've lived here simply because one of us (my fiancé or I) had to be here with her at all times because his brothers couldn't handle it. So I let him work, and I stayed with his mom. I cooked and cleaned after everyone, every single day. I cared for all of the pets. I was basically a live in maid. But she's been working going on 4 months now and we're ready to move on our own. We started putting job applications in, in different areas. Including our home state. My whole family is still there, while only his mawmaw on his dad's side and an uncle from his mom's side live up there. The first call we got back were from jobs in our home state. So this past weekend we go up there and stay until Monday when we both had interviews. We got the jobs! Yay right? Wrong. His family is furious. His dad even texted my fiancé and said (this is a direct quote), "Future wife? I'd give that some reconsideration if I were you." Like what?? How could he say that?? I've taken care of his wife while he wasn't around for a year! I've been nothing but good for his oldest son, our relationship is wonderful. His mom is attempting to guilt trip him into staying. His youngest brother kind of supports us but his other brother is being so cold and trying to hurt us so much he even began being mean to our dog! Not to mention, my mom & dad followed us back to help us pack up the rest of our belongings and we're supposed to stay at the house with us but his brother was so rude and unfriendly that they felt incredibly uncomfortable and instead decided to get a room. This breaks my heart guys. All I want is for our families to get along but my family doesn't even feel welcomed in their home. I'm so sorry this is so long but I had to vent. This past weekend has been the longest few days. With the 1 year anniversary of my grandmothers passing, my fiancé's family suddenly against us (there was a lot more said that I didn't mention), nerve racking job interviews, and watching my fevered teething niece, I am exhausted. I had a full on panic attack and then slept for 2 hours from being so weak. I'm only 20 years old, my fiancé is going to be 24 next month. I'm so glad this whole situation isn't tearing us apart but bringing us closer together. We need each other more than ever when everyone else is against us. This has been a real test. Thanks for anyone who reads this, I had a lot on my chest and I feel a bit better.