an abonormal pap smear...


so i got my first pap smear in june 25 at my obgyn appointment. i had the nurse call me about 2 weeks later and they told me i had abnormal cells. and my mother and grandmother had same thing like that. But something felt different. i was nervous and scared. i asked if the baby and my self was going to be okay and the nurse said they will have to monitor me in my pregnancy. 2 days ago i finally got the offical papers telling me what it was as well its a Low Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion. I had the hpv vaccine and i dont have any std or hiv. I want to know if any other mommas out there have the same problem and please explain more of this problem to me because i want to know if my baby is gonna be healthy and happy thats all. i care about at this point.