for context, i am a very fair, very sensitive-skinned human. every time i shave (and often when i just shower) i break out into hives all over my legs. i’ve tried everything. gazillions of different razors and shaving creams/lotions/etc, no shaving cream/lotion, exfoliation before and/or after, moisturizing before and/or after, in the shower, in the tub, standing on the sink wetting my razor.... the list goes on and on. i have always had a bad reaction to highly scented shower/lotion products (i’m looking at u bath & body works) so i now only use all-natural scent-free products and have recently been using pure coconut oil and similar products. my reactions get so bad to the point where i either scratch my legs so hard that i burst blood vessels or i have to take a benadryl to stop itching.

so long post short, does anyone else have this issue??! if so, how do u deal with it!? plz help ur very itchy friend.